Infrastructure, West Craigs, Edinburgh

  • Infrastructure, West Craigs, Edinburgh

Project Description

Infrastructure Works to facilitate site for residential development and school. Providing “ready to go” and fully serviced development plots. The works include an Advanced Works contract for site clearance, archeology, contaminated land and invasive weed removal (hogweed & horsetail) and tree felling. The major infrastructure project, comprising demolitions, earthworks & levelling (cut & fill), foul drainage and connection to existing system, surface drainage and connection to river with attenuation & suds basins (open depths of up to 7m), coffer dams, tunnelling (auger & pipe jacking), access roads widening (including plot access sub roads), cycle ways, footpaths, street lighting, toucan crossing, bus shelters, signage, walls, steps, retaining structures, fencing, acoustic barrier fencing, timber walkway, soft landscaping including forming new parks (playground & equipment, benches, cycle stands & planters) and service trenches for utilities (water, gas, electricity, telecom), pumping station, rising main, Gas Governor, substations, including planning, liaise & coordination with utility companies. In addition there is a separate contract for a foot / cycle bridge over the existing railway line with paths, services and landscaping.

Our Role / Scope

Doig+Smith’s role included master planning, cost planning, value and risk management, preparation and management of the risk register, procurement, management of change control and early warnings, agreeing variations, measurements and agreement of the final account.

Technical Capacity

The team comprised of the following

  • Director
  • Lead Quantity Surveyor
  • Quantity Surveyor
  • Assistant Quantity Surveyor
  • Principal Designer (CDM)

Benefits To Client

  • Cost management, change control and monitoring risk are vital from the outset to ensure the budget is constantly maintained. We held weekly Early Warning Meeting with the Client, Contractor and appropriate Designer to discuss the EW raised and establish the best way to deal with the matter. Due to the nature of the works, there were many existing ground conditions that proved to be challenging (see below). This approach enabled the Client to be fully engaged in understanding the issues and costs on the project. In addition, monthly Cost Reports were issued to the Client, which provide an overall Infrastructure Project Financial Summary (excluding Utilities).
  • Challenges: The Challenges for a project of this size and complexity are:
    • Approvals / Wayleaves
    • Dealing with Utilities
    • Working near Railway & Airport
    • Existing property & Residents
    • Working with Plot Developer
    • Depth of Excavations
    • Off Site Work
    • Temporary Works (roads, paths, cycle routes)
    • Phasing
    • Changes of Design
    • Ground conditions:
      • running silt
      • Existing culvert / land drains
      • existing services (incl. concrete protection)
      • rock / concrete
      • poor ground (saturated ground – lime)
      • boulders (tunnelling)


West Craigs Ltd


Contract Administrator & Quantity Surveying Services




January 2021 to June 2022


SBCC Standard Building Contract with Quantities 2016 Edition


Edinburgh, Scotland

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