Caerlee Mill Residential Development

  • Caerlee Mill Residential Development

Project Description

Residential Development of 44nr New Houses at the Old Caerlee Woollen Mill Site, Innerleithen (Brown Field). Comprising 2, 3 & 4 bedrooms 2 storey house types – detached, semi-detached, cottage & upper & lower flats. Infrastructure – Roads, Pavements, Parking, Street Lighting, Soft Landscaping, Drainage, Utilities & Abnormal.

The Client’s Design Philosophy was to achieve an Urban feel / look with rustic buildings and roads. This was created by using a pallet of external materials to create this effect with a mixture of old facing bricks, render, exposed steel, timber cladding, zinc and slates or zinc roof within an urban setting of pavours and very few pavements.

The Site is on Caerlee Mill (Brodies Mill – 5 stories) built is 1790 and was the oldest custom built woollen textile mill in the Scottish Borders and was originally water powered fed from Leithen Water (Tributary of the Rover Tweed) via the lade. The Caelee Mill remains on the Residential Site and is subject to future Development.

The project was split into Phase 1 & Phase 2. Phase 1 comprised 12nr Plots and associated Infrastructure including Cut & Fill the entire Site, Mill Lade Bridge, Foul and Surface Drainage Connections & Utility Connections. Phase 2 was the remaining 32nr Plots & Infrastructure (Subject to Sales).

The project was procured on the following basis for two Phases: –
– Infrastructure – SBCC with Quantities & Competitive Tendering.
– Superstructure – Individual Packages of Works / Trades, Competitively Tendered and
procured Direct by the Client via their new Construction Company.

The Phase 1 Infrastructure works started Jan 2019 and was completed Feb 2020, with the Superstructure following shortly afterwards.

The Phase 2 Infrastructure works started Feb 2020 and was complete Dec 2021, again with the Superstructure following shortly afterwards.

Our Role / Scope

Full Quantity Surveying / Cost Management Service including Cost Plans & Cost Checks, involvement in cost reviews, market cost checks and commentary on best value, procurement discussions, programming and phasing, preparing Infrastructure Bills of Quantities and a number of Trade Packages, checking Infrastructure Tenderer and Reporting on Offers. Advising on early Value Engineering & Managing the Change Control Process. Full Post Contract Services of Monthly Cost Reports, Valuations and agreeing the Final Account with the Contractor.

Key Elements

The key elements were to complete the Phase 1 & Phase 2 works to the Client’s Programme and on Budget together with delivering high quality residential Houses.

The Overall Project delivery was a success and achieved the Client’s Design Philosophy.
Whiteburn:“We have not only built an award-winning development, we have also created a team of dedicated staff, subcontractors, suppliers and funders. Most importantly, our homeowners have built Caerlee Mill into a wonderful community of neighbours and friends, and I believe this is testament to our design philosophy for the development.”


Whiteburn Projects Ltd


Quantity Surveying & Cost Management




June 2019 – Dec 2021 (on site)


Client not found



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