Project Description
The works involved the fabric repairs of the Listed 16th century Keep and Victorian mansion to make weather tight as well as undertaking internal alteration and high specification fit out works.
Working with a private client who intended to live in the property following completion of the works. A great deal of time was spent agreeing the scope of the works and the specification of the fit out.
Close liaison with Planning and Historic Scotland was important throughout various stages of the project including several meetings on site to record original features which were uncovered as part of the works.
Our Role / Scope
Pre-contract – Our role involved undertaking a surveys of the building, producing proposed plans and elevations, arranging for specialist survey works, obtaining all necessary statutory consents, producing tender documents and undertaking a competitive single stage tender process.
Post-contract – Weekly site visits to review progress and discuss ongoing construction issues with the contractor, chairing meetings, issuing reports, managing a change control process including agreeing costs with the contractor prior to issuing any variations to the contract and certifying payments to the contractor and agreeing a final account.
Technical Capacity
The team comprise of the following:
- Project Director
- Contract administrator
- Quantity surveyor
- Assistant quantity surveyor

Benefits To Client
- Close liaison with client during the design and specification phase of the project.
- Value engineering pre-contract and post-contract.
- Change control process controlled by Doig+Smith including a number of tenant changes to the base build works.
- Close liaison with Historic Scotland.