Project Description
This project comprised the Design & Build of a new GP and Dental Practice on a brownfield site in Yoker. The single storey accommodation provides 3 GP Consulting rooms, associated Interview room, Treatment and ancillary spaces together with 5 Dental Surgery rooms, Decontamination room and ancillary spaces for dental provision. Working for Medical Centres Scotland Ltd, the design team were directly appointed up to Stage E before being novated to the Design & Build Contractor.
Our Role / Scope
This healthcare project demonstrates our ability to work in partnership with a Design Team and Contractor to successfully deliver a combined GP/Community services project within a challenging budget and timescale.
Technical Capacity
The team comprise of the following:
- Employers Agent; and
- Lead Quantity Surveyor
Benefits To Client
- Value Engineering: At a developed stage in the project design, significant changes were required to be made to the design of the building to suit the local planning department. This resulted in an unexpected increased cost to the project, subsequently placing the project over budget. Working collaboratively with the entire Design Team, we led a series of Value Engineering workshops and managed to bring the project costs back in line with the clients budget.
- Partnering & Collaboration: In order to provide continual improvement, we allocated the same team in-house to take forward the lessons learnt from this project to Eglinton Medical Centre. The next in a pipeline of projects from the same Client. We are seeing real benefits in doing this with the works on site running ahead of programming and fewer requests for information from the Contractor.
- Community Benefits: This project provided a much needed service to the local community. The GP who was operating out of premises which were no longer fit for purpose had been campaigning for 10 years for a new surgery. The previous premises for the dental practice was destroyed by fire 1 year before the start of this project. If this project did not proceed the dentist would have needed to wind up his business resulting is a significant loss to the local community.
- Controlling the budget without compromising the design was one of the Clients key objectives. To achieve this, we developed a robust Cost Model at a very early stage in the design process which allowed us to monitor the design against our model as the project developed. Advising the client to directly appoint the design team up to and including Stage E allowed the Client and the designers to keep control of the design, within the cost parameters, reducing the opportunity for key aspects of the design to be lost during the Contractors Proposal stage. Our early stage Cost Model was based upon delivered project cost data and adjusted to suit the site specifics and abnormals of this project. This benchmarked model allowed us to focus on each and every element in detail and advise the design team when proposals were outwith the cost envelope.